Jeremiah has to be one of my favorite prophets. Sure he's a little melancholy. Most likely, he would be diagnosed today with clinical depression. But I wonder if I wouldn't be as well, as I looked at the people of God, called them to account for their unfaithfulness, and they still chose to do their own thing.
One of the things I really like is Jeremiah's call from from God.
Catch this: "Before I (God) formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations." Then I said, "Ah, Lord God! Truly I do not know how to speak, for I am only a boy." But the Lord said to me, "Do not say, 'I am only a boy'; for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord." Jer 1:5-8
Throughout his prophesies, Jeremiah struggles with discontent, a feeling of inadequecy, and other spiritual challenges. And then he's reminded of his call from God. It's obvious that it had a huge impact on the prophet's life. Let's face it. If you had to give the message Jeremiah gave over and over again, you wouldn't be popular either.
There are times I get discouraged. God why am I doing this? Does it really matter? I'm tempted to throw my hands up in the air and "let the chips fall where they may." You might feel that way from time to time as well. And then it's important to remember God's call upon our lives.
You and I tell God we're inadequate. He's not surprised. You and I give excuse after excuse of why we can't but God says, "You will." You and I whine and complain and act like a child. And God is not surprised. After all, God says, "Hey, I know you!"
Anything to add?
“stressful situations for the sake of Christ”
7 hours ago
a lot of good things to be reminded of here.
Good thoughts, Crowm. So important for us all, really. And particularly for "ministers" or pastors. I'm sure it can be discouraging at times. Blessings on you in your ministry. I pray God's grace and help to go on with you in all the days and years ahead.
Thanks for the kind words. More importantly, thanks for the prayer. Blessings to you my friend!
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