Part 2 Listening
After discussing reading the Bible as Story, McKnight then encourages his readers to hear God within the Story. In other words, reading the black or red words on the white page is not enough. The things read should be meditated on and the questions "So what?" or "What does God want me to do?" should be asked. Only when one considers what is heard can they love God, through listening and ultimately acting on what they've heard.
McKnight chooses to describe the listening one does to God's Word as "missional listening". The purpose of listening to Story is not just for information. The information must lead one through a process of spiritual growth and following the model of Jesus Christ (serving God and serving others). This is only accomplished through and with the Holy Spirit.
Part 3 Discerning
Following the teachings of Jesus within the context of Scripture is where things get a little muddled. In other words, does one follow every commandment in Scripture or pick and choose what to follow? According to McKnight, the Church has picked and chosen what to follow (and what not to follow) from its inception. He encourages his readers to own up to picking and choosing what commandments they adhere to for their own benefit.
The section includes examples of controversial subjects such as divorce, what role women play in the church, speaking in tongues, etc. According to McKnight, "All genuine biblical faith takes the gospel message and 'incarnates' it in a context...We can be firmer: it is unlikely, since it is clear that each of these persons adapted the Plot and Story for their day, that their message or manner of life will be precisely the same as our message and our manner of life" (143).
Next week: The Role of Women in Today's Church (Part 4 0f Blue Parakeet)
Any thoughts regarding parts 2 and 3?
“stressful situations for the sake of Christ”
7 hours ago
Alright, I'll order it! ;) I really like the SO WHAT? question. I've been feeling convicted about this lately - a lot! I'm a disciple of Christ...So what? I am a member of the Body of Christ..SO WHAT?....I study Scripture...SO WHAT? I don't mean so what as in WHO CARES? but as in SO NOW WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO ABOUT IT?
I also agree that we pick and choose which Scriptures we want to follow. We are extremely consistent at not being consistent. Which is again, why I think the key is to follow Christ and trust in Him, the other choice is to follow Scripture to the letter of the law, and we have a few thousand years of history that show us failing miserably at that.
I'm enjoying your review. I look forward to Part 4 - Women in the Church! I'm sure I'll have some things to say about that....all submissive of course! ;)
You'll enjoy the book Cheryl. I surely have.
The "So what?" question is so important. What are you gonna do about it? Exactly!
McKnight is clear about the discernment from day 1. He's completely right.
Thanks for the kind words.
Blessings submissive Sister,
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