Happy Memorial Day! Today marks the beginning of Summer (although its been well into the 90s here for a few weeks). On this national holiday, many barbecue, enjoy family, and homemade ice cream shouldn't be a question.
In my church tradition, we celebrate a different "Memorial Day" every Sunday. In a corporate setting, those in attendance are encouraged to remember Jesus and what He did for each one of us. Jesus told His earlier followers (and followers today) "Do this to remember me." Instead of pulled pork and potato salad, the elements for this Memorial Day are a piece of bread and some juice.
I recently heard of a small church having a patriotic fellowship dinner. Placed in front of each place setting was a card that read, "Only two died for you: The American G.I. and Jesus Christ." After thinking about that statement, I've come to the following conclusion. First of all, I think I understand what the author of the statment meant. I undertand the importance of those in the military fighting for my freedom. After all, I served myself. However, to equate the freedom of being an American to the freedom Christ relegates the importance of what Christ has done for mankind.
When we understand what the Atonement (restoration) truly means for believers, Memorial Day is not some Monday in May. It's not even a Sunday. It's every day! Happy Memorial Day!
“stressful situations for the sake of Christ”
13 hours ago
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