Genesis 1:26 tells us God created mankind in His image. The last three words of the previous sentence has led to much debate (too much to discuss in this post). Genesis 3 then tells us that God's ideal relationship with man was severed based upon mankind's rebellion.
From that point on, God has been concerned about restoring the relationship man had destroyed. He brings about a nation of believers (Israel). He protects them, provides for them, and directs them - despite their unfaithfulness. Eventually, Jesus Christ (God's own son) comes to Earth in the flesh. He displays God's plan for life. He redefines the nation of Israel, restores sight to the blind, mobility for the lame, and even life to the dead.
He offers restoration to those who choose life. That's the Good News! As I read Scripture, the choice is up to each one of us. Will I choose restoration (available only in Christ) or will I attempt life on my own? One leads to life...the other, not so much.
“stressful situations for the sake of Christ”
13 hours ago
The answer always comes back to our own personal decisions! Do we continue to rebell, or do we choose communion? Do we choose to have a relationship with God or not! He seeks a relationship with us....its about love of his creation.
Most of us have attempted life on our own. If we are open and discerning we come to understand that repairing our relationship with Him does lead to life, the one he wants for us.
MikeY thinks.
I agree MikeY. God's love is amazing. It's interesting that you use the word "communion." This morning, I was thinking about communion/Eucharist/Lord's Supper. I thought how much I appreciate the word "communion." Restoration is what I want and need desparately.
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