From time to time, I check out church research "guru" Ed Stetzer's blog. You can find it here. The most recent trend Stetzer points to is evangelical churches in North America forgetting their mission of sharing the Gospel message and replacing it with a "twelve step program for inner peace." The results have been a lack of importance for evangelism in the North American church.
Stetzer's biggest concern is Christians have lost confidence in the Gospel. In other words, we've moved past the good news of Christ providing restoration, hope, and love to a dying cosmos. We've begun to see salvation more as a individual blessing and for that reason, the challenges in people's lives and meeting those challenges (recovery groups, benevolence ministries, etc.) have taken the lead over the power of the cross. For that reason, the church in North America in is decline. Those "outside our walls" become complacent, apathetic, or skeptical about what goes on inside the church - that is, until a practical problem arises in their lives. The North American church has become a therapy center rather than a place to understand the Gospel.
What are your thoughts?
“stressful situations for the sake of Christ”
7 hours ago
I totally agree. I think it all boils down to a gospel based on self. Maybe we have brought into the lie of the enemy, "and you can be like god". It worked with Adam and Eve. It seems to be working with us.
"self" yep...that's our problem.
Thanks Mike.
I very much agree. I am encouraged though when I read about people breaking off from those 12 step mega churches and starting smaller churches with the intention of reaching out and bringing the hope of Christ to their communities. I am encouraged by many of the teens and college students we work with who see that the body of Christ could be doing so much more.
Hey Cheryl!
The younger generations seem to carry a passion like none other. In this case, passion is a good thing. They're tired of playing church or just going through the motion. I think you're right. It's really encouraging.
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