Friday, January 29, 2010

Gut Check

Friday is for confession. I know that doesn't rhyme or isn't cute. But it's true. In fact, every day (and many times a day) is a good time for confession. I have to share with you one of mine today. This will show you how lame I am.

Something really bothered me this morning. Although I never heard an audible request, I was prompted to serve someone. The problem was it was 2:37 AM. It was cold. I was happy in bed. And I was prompted to serve. Ugh!

I went about serving. But I did so muttering under my breath. Why couldn't...? What's wrong with them...? Why do I have to...? Sadly, I confess to being angry.

And then something or SOMEONE stopped me dead in my tracks. "Here you are wanting to serve. You always pray for opportunities to serve. And when you're given an opportunity you whine, complain, and over react!" Needless to say, I was convicted.

Upon returning to bed, I prayed that God wouldn't allow peace or sleep to come until I was really okay with what had happened. And I was wide awake for a little over an hour. Answered prayer. It was a time to reflect on my what I'd been called to do and how serious I was about my prayer to serve.

I have a long way to go! Praise God for grace.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Know Thyself - An Examen

Today, we look at what Foster calls The Prayer of Examen. If your mind has equated the word "examen" with that of "examination", you're on the right track. The opening chapter was beneficial for me. I thought I would quote it for you here.

How very strange that the Prayer of Examen has been lost to we who live in an age of obsessive introspection. It is actually possible today for people to go to church services week in and week out for years without having a single experience of spiritual examen. What a tragedy! What a loss! No wonder people today are weak. No wonder they are barely hanging on.

Go ahead. Read it again! This time, read it slowly and out loud.

When is the last time you've taken a honest spiritual inventory? When have you truly examined? In this chapter, Foster writes of a spiritual examination.

The examen of conscience has to do with evaluating what we've done with the opportunities God's given us. In other words, when a spiritual nudge encourages us to minister in a particular way, did we fulfill our responsibility? When we're prompted to speak truth, did we speak or simply allow the feeling to pass? When one is honest about who they are, when we stand before God with warts and all, grace takes on a greater meaning.

Foster encourages us to look inward. It's not that we become more absorbed with ourselves. But it's that a honest evaluation entails looking deep within our soul. A practical example is that of a spiritual journal. A journal differs from a diary in that it focuses on the how and why rather than on the who. Again, this is just one example of looking deep within ourselves. It's a misjudgment to think everyone should journal. But it does benefit some. Foster's point is not the journal itself, but a honest evaluation.

I believe Foster to be onto something. Because reality is often uncomfortable for us, often times we choose to ignore it. Being intentional about these evaluations is paramount to spiritual growth.

I pray I've done this chapter justice. Thoughts? Do you have ways in which you take a spiritual assessment?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

There's No Genie In A Bottle!

This week, we continue our discussion on Prayer: Finding The Heart's True Home by Richard Foster. After discussing "simple prayer", Foster turns his attention to what he deems "The Prayer of the Forsaken."

The Psalmist writes, I say to God my Rock, "Why have you forgotten me? Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy?" (Psalm 42:9 NIV) Elijah and Jeremiah cried out to God at various times in their lives. Jesus himself voiced, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? (Matthew 27:46 NIV)

If you've had a relationship with God for very long, I think you understand what Foster argues in this chapter. There are times God seems to be distant. Even a response in the negative would be welcomed. And yet at times we pray and sense we're only talking to ourselves. There are times we read God's Word and it doesn't appear to be living and active (cf. Hebrews 4:12).

Foster does a great job of explaining the concept of relationship. One party cannot force the other into mutual love or sacrifice. According to Foster, God gives mankind a free will for this purpose. You and I have the ability to choose or not to choose a relationship with God (or with others).

At the same time, even though we know God never leaves us nor forsakes us, we sense those feelings of absence mentioned above. Again, according to Foster, God provides those times as opportunities to grow. God cannot be contained or made to show up on a whim. He is no genie in a bottle! His belly can't be rubbed expecting three wishes in return.

The prayer of the forsaken is something we all need to understand. It's one of those things that we must prepare for before we reach those times in our lives. It must be understood God's silence does not mean His absence. And it's during those "dark times" we can grow the most.

What thoughts might you have about The Prayer of the Forsaken?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The KISS Method Still Works

The church tradition to which I belong celebrates communion every week. And most churches have elders or other leaders who pray prior to serving communion. At times, those who pray have changed their voices in a way that one would think they speak the King's English. It's as if they believe all the thees, thous, and Faaaaaather God included in their prayer signifies a closeness to God that only they enjoy. The inflection in their voice could be a legitimate concern for scaring the unchurched (or make the churched snicker). I've always found this practice to be a bit strange.

I'm asked to pray at family gatherings or other community events. Often times, the title of pastor or minister leads an organizer to invite a clergyman to pray. Please understand, I'm not offended. In fact, I consider it a great blessing to pray. But to think or assume that someone in ministry has a direct line to God or will be heard before any others is laughable. In fact, there are times when I've been asked to pray I politely ask one of my kids to pray. The purpose is two-fold. First of all, I believe if one wants to learn to pray, a good place to begin is to pray. In other words, there comes a time where we must stop talking about prayer and pray. Secondly, my hope is it teaches the more mature in attendance that the faith of a child shouldn't be minimized.

Too often, people aren't comfortable praying in a corporate setting. They feel inadequate, not sure of what to say, or intimidated by what those in earshot might think about their words. This is a huge misconception of prayer and the reason for praying.

Richard Foster begins his discussion on prayer (Prayer: Finding The Heart's True Home) with a chapter on simple prayer. According to Foster, too often we forget that God wants to hear about the details. He wants to know our struggles, our victories, and our challenges. Nothing will surprise him. And just like we desire to be approached and loved by our children, God desires the same.

Sometimes, the best way to accomplish something is the KISS method. You remember the KISS method. Keep it simple stupid! There's no need for the King's English. God's okay with simplicity. In fact, being real makes God really proud.


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Foster [on] Prayer

Prayer is one of the spiritual disciplines I believe no matter how hard one works at it, it never is perfected. There are times I pray that I feel so inadequate. And yet I am asked to pray at gatherings for various reasons. In recent weeks, I've been led to become more disciplined in my life of prayer. Authors like E.M. Bounds automatically come to mind. And then I remembered a book I have on my shelf by Richard Foster (Prayer: Finding the Hearts True Home). Foster always gives me something to think about. And as I read this book again (and more importantly focus on what Scripture says regarding prayer), I pray I will be challenged again. In the next few weeks, I hope you'll read my reflections on prayer. And I pray you'll be encouraged to strengthen your own prayer life.

"Healthy prayer necessitates frequent experiences of the common, earthy, run-of-the-mill variety. Like walks, and talks, and good wholesome laughter. Like work in the yard, and chitchat with neighbors, and washing windows. Like loving our spouse, and playing with our kids, and working with our colleagues. To be spiritually fit to scale the Himalayas of the spirit, we need regular exercise in the hills and valleys of ordinary life."
- Richard Foster

Any thoughts on prayer?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Mark McGwire is no King David!

Being an avid fan of the greatest game on Earth, you're probably not surprised to know that I've posted in the past about baseball. When the things of God and my favorite game can be brought up in the same discussion, I'm like a dead pig in warm sunshine. :)

Yesterday, perhaps the biggest sports story of the week sent sports writers everywhere into a tailspin. Mark McGwire sat down with Bob Costas and admitted he had used performance enhancing drugs in the past. You can find the link and story here.

McGwire was hired as the hitting coach for his former St. Louis Cardinals. He told Costas he had been struggling with his decision to come "clean" since 2005 (when Major League Baseball began their formal investigation of steroid abuse). His rationale was based on his family, friends, and peers being questioned about his practices in the past. While testifying to a Senate committee, McGwire continued to deny his use of steroids and stated he "wanted to focus on the future and not the past."

After watching the interview, I was a bit dumbfounded. During the first part of the interview, McGwire seems remorseful, apologizes to the commissioner, his teammates, and his family. He also made an effort to call the widow of Roger Maris (who was listed as holding the home run record) and apologize to her. I observed a tearful man who seemed sincere in his apology. Honestly, I was reminded of King David's remorse for sin in Psalm 32:3. When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long.

During the second part of the interview, McGwire was asked if he believed he would have accomplished all that he did without the performance enhancing drugs. He states that he believes he would have and then offers his home run record from Little League, American Legion, high school, and college baseball. In fact, McGwire says "The man upstairs has given him a gift to hit home runs."

The reason for my confusion is two-fold. Again, it sounds as if he's sincere in his apology and then quickly becomes adamant about "not taking the drugs for power but for health." Frankly, I don't care why he took them and never believed him when he denied taking them. He states during the interview "This is the worst day of my life." I wonder why. Does "coming clean" hurt so much? King David writes about consequences and then the peace that eventually comes with integrity restored. It's interesting that many writers say they will never vote for McGwire until he tells the truth. Was this the reason his timing is what it is?

We may never know the reason for his timing. And we may not know the full truth about who took steroids and for how long. I do know however that sin when left alone will destroy a person. I've experienced that in my own life and I read that time and time again in Scripture.

After his confession, King David is restored and is eventually called "a man after God's heart." His motive(s) must have been righteous. McGwire's motives are yet to be determined. However, Mark McGwire is no King David. Nor am I!

Writer Scot McKnight has a short blog on what he believes McGwire should do. Any thoughts?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Godly Vision

Around the start of a new year, many times we're encouraged to reflect on God's will for our lives - specifically, what God's will is for the next year. I believe God has a general will for mankind (ie salvation etc.) and a specific will (ie a "calling" God places on one's life). It's the latter that must be evaluated on a constant basis. And based upon the evaluation, perhaps changes need to take place.

God places dreams or visions in our lives (short-term and long-term). And when one walks in God's will to realize those dreams or visions, there's no better feeling. Many times, however, my experience has been I drift to the right or left on the proverbial road of life. And it's only through an honest evaluation which includes prayer and fasting that I'm convicted to redirect my path to God's will.

Our church is currently studying the book of Nehemiah. I'm amazed at this faithful man who should at least be considered a spiritual mentor. When Nehemiah learns the immense challenge of God's people remaining in Jerusalem, he prays, fasts, and seeks God's will. After determining Nehemiah's role in God's plan, he arrives in Jerusalem and waits three more days, before evaluating the situation with his own eyes.

At first glance, it might appear Nehemiah to be dragging his feet or perhaps lazy. But a deeper study reveals Nehemiah to be more concerned about God's timing, rather than jumping in and eventually failing. Often times, we have huge dreams or visions about what we will do for God. Perhaps a better question is "What will God have me do?" In other words, the visionary changes from me to Him.

Just some thoughts. Now yours?

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Read The Bible In A Year

I've chosen to read through the Bible again this year. The discipline that I've learned from this exercise in the past has been priceless. And honestly, it's something I desperately need in my life now. I've found several good plans to accomplish this exercise. However, this year I've chosen a plan proposed by Augsburg Fortress Press in the back of their New Revised Standard Version of the Bible. If you're interested in reading along, let me know. It'd be great to be on the same page. :)

I'm interested in knowing what's worked for you. 1) Have you read through the Bible in a year? If so, what's the biggest benefit? If not, why not? 2) What plan have you used? Do you continue to use the same plan every year or choose another "road map"?

What can a discipline such as reading Scripture teach us about ourselves?

Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Start

It's been said "A good place to begin is the beginning." Turning the calendar and observing a new start surely would be defined as a beginning. Without further delay, I wish you a Blessed New Year, a great beginning and finish, and many victories over the challenges that are sure to come.

Recently, I was asked, "When are you going to write again?" Honestly, I was taken back. I had no idea this person actually read my meanderings here. And I am honored. As a new year begins, I will attempt (notice no promise here) to be more consistent with posting here. After all, my resolutions have been boiled down to DISCIPLINE. This might be a good place to start. And if you'll mention this post within the next thirty days (you know who you are), I'll find a gift card for a great steakhouse for your loyalty.

The overall plan is to offer some thoughts - however profound they might be, what I'm reading - no limits here, offer some blogs I follow, and point you to people whose work I respect.

I do hope you'll hang on, hang out, or offer your own thoughts from time to time. And when I get a bit slow, a good kick in the pants from you would be good as well. Let's get the party started!