Is anyone else sick and tired of the health and wealth stuff that has seemed to gain popularity? It seems that if I just have enough faith and send a "love gift" for at least $9.99, I'll then receive a "point of contact." In other words, the ministry will put a prayer hankerchief, a vial of water, or some smelly soap in the mail for me. It seems that when I receive said above, there's something that happens if I'll just pray with whatever it is.
As always, I've got a few questions about this. First of all, can anyone tell me about this point of contact? Why is my "healing" based on a point of contact. I realize Christ Jesus touched those who needed a miracle. But did Christ have to touch to heal? Didn't He have authority to command and know something would be done? Didn't God speak the world into existence (without physical touch)?
When it comes to healing, often times we think something happens in the physical. But is that what Jesus was really about? Throughout His public ministry, Jesus did heal physical ailments. But what was the reason? Could it be that it was a story within a larger story? In other words, from the physical healing might we learn about the sovereignty of God, the restoration/healing He might provide for the infirm on a spiritual level, etc.? Something else to consider is although we have accounts of healings, did Jesus heal everyone He came into contact?
I realize one post is not enough to get this done. Consider this a discussion starter. And please let me know what you think before I put my $9.99 in the mail.
“stressful situations for the sake of Christ”
2 hours ago
It's almost as if I can hear the tele-evangelist say, "But wait. If you call and pledge within the next ten minutes, this ministry (will sacrifice and) will send you not just one bar of soap, but will also triple your order and provide a soap dish to boot!
Yes, there are some crooks out there who use this kind of language and appeal. They manipulate people, one man I knew who was in a nursing home kind of situation. Of course none of the promises would come true. I tried to tell this man that so and so is a crook, but he wouldn't listen, and would spend what little money he still had. Very sad.
I do believe in healings myself and in the "charismatic" side from Scripture. Though I certainly don't believe everyone was healed in Jesus' day, nor that everyone will be healed now. I do believe Jesus' day and his work during his earthly ministry was unique in this way. But I struggle to put this together with Scripture. But yes, he did touch and even used spit, and yes- Peter's shadow did bring healing at a special season, to those who had faith.
But I also agree with the point you are making here: that the healings in a real sense are of a story within a bigger story. I like the way you put that, never heard it put that way. They point to the final healing of all things in Jesus, the final salvation which does begin now. The already/not yet reality.
Just my few thoughts here (and for now).
I recently had this discussing with Andrew. We concluded that the healing is offered to everyone, however, the healing is that of the soul. Jesus used the miracles as teaching aids. Each circumstance required faith, hope, in Him. The cure was no in the water or wine or His hand, it was and is in His Love and our love.
So says Mike
Hey Ted,
It is truly sad how many people fall into these traps. Something comes to mind. "It would have been better for you to not be born." OR ""Tie a millstone around your neck..." Anyway, I do believe Jesus healed for a greater purpose (to show a greater opportunity). Thanks again for stopping by.
Very wise Mike. I miss our time together Bro. This last Sunday, I spoke about the leper in Luke 5. Remember he says, "Lord if you are willing, you can make me clean." And Jesus says, "I am willing." Oh yeah baby!
We're all in one way or another the leper. We are all unclean, social outcasts, and without hope. That is until Christ shows up!
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