Each community seems to have members who are marginalized. For whatever reason, be it a mental issue, a physical ailment, or any other reason, these individuals just don't seem to fit in. Maybe you're that person. Maybe not.
Sadly, many churches fail to reach the "misfits" of society. I've even seen church people - those who claim Jesus as Savior - turn and go the other way, when the marginalized approaches. I've been guilty myself. But isn't that who and what Jesus was about?
Sweet gives the example of Zacchaeus. Little Zach was up a tree literally and figuratively. He would definitely be considered marginalized by society. And that's exactly who Christ ministers to.
And because most churches and most church people are inward focused, we don't interact with the Zacchaeus(s) of our world. Is it too harsh to say most churches and most church people? I'm afraid not. Sweet maintains, "We have tried to 'live in' rather than 'live out' the gospel...The Christian church is too 'in here' and not enough 'out there'" (152).
Who's the Zacchaeus you minister to? Who do you go out of your way to serve when others are running the other way?
the beastly powers of the earth
11 hours ago
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