I was asked last week, "Why should I confess my sins to someone else? I've already confessed to God. That's all that matters." We discussed the practicality of James when he writes of the "Prayer of Faith" in chapter 5.
"Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." (James 5:13-16)
James is writing of two different kinds of "sick" - one of physical ailments, the other, being spiritual. It was common among Jews in the ANE to believe all sickness was caused by sin. For this reason, James encourages readers to "come clean" and confess everything that is hindering spiritual growth.
Many Christians like to talk about accountability but the practice of confessing sins is much less popular. Case in point: the conversation last week was between myself and a person who has believed for decades. "I've confessed to God. That's all I need to do."
What's our issues with true accountability? More on this later...
“stressful situations for the sake of Christ”
6 hours ago
Confessing is the problem with confession. Admitting my failures secretly to God is fine, but don't ask me to tell my friends, wife or kids. No way. That makes we way to vulnerable; exposes too much of who I really am.
All of that to say, "What a prideful attitude!" We need to confess our faults to man and God. The Scripture and true humility require it. How are people going to forgive you, if you don't admit you wronged them? How are your children going to know your genuine, if you never admit mistakes?
Fess up people! Confession is good for you. If you can't admit faults, sin and pride are still controlling you. Liberty and freedom are found in admitting our sin, weaknesses and struggles.
MEY says
In Whom do I place my trust?.....God!
Observation of the folks around us leads to distrust. If I confess to someone will I be condemned or absolved? No! They don't have that power.
Is confession good for us? The Bible says it is!! Man is by nature sinful and has the need to recognize that nature. Through that recognition we step a less sinful behavior. Enlightenment
Enlightenment is not necessarily for others.. it is for the person who needs to confess. God already knows he just wants us to admit it, to say it. If I am conscious of the sin then I am probably concious of the His penalty. Guilt brings suffering!
Man's sinful nature will cause most to condemn! So again I say in whom do I place my trust....God.
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